Wednesday, October 7, 2009

One of the best days of our lives

I know I haven't updated since we went to Cincinnati for little M2's Airway Reconstruction Surgery follow up. Life got in the way and I just haven't had time.
Hubby and M2 watching TV in pre-op.

Basically for the follow up he is taken back into the OR and a camera/scope is put into his mouth and down his airway to see if the surgery worked and how it is healing.

M2's reconstruction surgery was a complete success!! His trach was switched out in the OR to the smallest size possible and a cap has been put on the end of it forcing him to use his NEW airway!!

M2 in his room on the Complex Airway Unit after his followup procedure. He has a capped trach, and is eating his dinner while talking on his phone!!

They did keep him overnight to monitor him with his capped trach and he did GREAT!! We were discharged in less than 24 hours!!

Hubby and I were told in December that their was nothing the doctors could do for M2, that he would live his whole life with this trach. That wasn't good enough for us, so we found a new dr in Cincinnati. I completely broke down in the consultation room after we got the good news. I think the NP even started crying. It was Pure Joy.
M2 having M&M's (his favorite)
He has to go back for one more procedure, a swallow study. He has to do the procedure with his trach capped so the doctors can see how he does using his NEW airway. If all goes well from his swallow study he will be admitted and have his trach removed. He will be monitored for 48 hours and then will be sent home, TRACHLESS!! (Is that a word??) He was aspirating a good bit at first after the reconstruction surgery so I understand the need for the swallow study, although over the last 3-4 weeks he's been doing fine and not aspirating at all.
M2 is even starting to talk and babble as a 'normal' baby would. It is a FANTASTIC Sound! Thank you Dr Cotton, and the whole Cincinnati Team. You have truly changed our lives. And for that we will forever be grateful to you.


Caitlin said...

that is GREAT news! Can't wait to hear his little voice- you should post a video!

Kelley with Amy's Angels said...

One word: AMAZING!!! : )

T Rex Mom said...

Wow! Again backwards, WOW! Talk about prayers being answered! No wonder he is the happiest baby! Enjoy and I hope things continue to be successful! So happy for your guys!