Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow Day

Yesterday the ENTIRE CITY shut down because of the snow and ice. My boss was nice enough to let us stay home as long as everyone VPN-ed (is that a word?) and worked from home. There really wasn't that much work to do. I only got 2 emails all day, and they weren't things that had to be taken care of right away.

So I started going back to the computer and checking my email every 1/2 hour or so. Which means I basically played with the M's all morning. During naptime I cleaned out my recipe books and box. Wrote all of the recipes I had laying around on recipe cards and filed them. Then I wrote out our dinner menus for the next 4 weeks. Yes, 4 weeks. And made my grocery list.

Then M1 and I did some crafts and painting.

I did laundry, made dinner, did the dishes, and packed lunches. I also did some Valentine decorating, and packed some stuff up for a yard sale. I had done some major cleaning the night before so the house was spotless.

Did I mention that I had 3 cups of cappuccino before 9am?

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Haha! Thank you for confession to your chemical help! I was feeling all inadequate until I finished your post. I better go brew up a pot and clean this house!