Did I mention I am proud of him?
Hubby has always worked for a non-profit organization, he truly does enjoy working there. He likes the people, he likes the work, he has a good heart and I think he feels like he makes a difference there. The problem is, it's non-profit, which means non-paying. Ok, they pay, just not very much. He was at the top, manager, can go no higher, will never make a higher salary. It was time to move on! And move on he is. He hasn't given his notice yet, so I can't say where he is going, or where he is leaving, but I can say it is a BIG DEAL. I don't think I have ever been more proud of him. It truly is a big deal to land a job where he did. I think anyone would feel both honored and accomplished to get a job where he is going.
What's that, you want a hint as to where he is going? Um...ok, it has the word The in the title!!
He has some theories about his current job, they were looking at ways to cut some costs so he is going to present some ideas to them that include letting him work part time, evenings and weekends, still doing what he does, but obviously for less money, which will be good for the organization, plus it will give us extra money. Although his salary and benefits at his new job are AMAZING, we are pretty far behind financially, and I hate having debt.
Did I mention how proud I am of my big hearted Hubby? Or that I am GIDDY!?!?! I'm currently doing the happy dance.!!
I don't have many pictures of Hubby, most of my pictures are of the M's. But here is a family picture of us last year at Brutus on Parade, at The Ohio State University. We are huge Buckeye fans. I think our whole family bleeds scarlet and gray. In fact, if you ask M1 what state he lives in he answers 'Go Bucks'. Yes M1, that's the state we live in alright!
And in other news, I mailed the very last payment to Children's Hospital today for (not-so) little M2. He is finally paid for, 15 months after he was born, and 13 months after he came home he is paid for. (kinda makes him sound like a car, huh?) Children's in Columbus is paid off, one month before we head to Children's in Cincinnati. Then, I'm sure a whole new round of payments will begin!Yes M2, it is time to put your arms in the air (and wave 'em like you just don't care) and cheer.
Do you want to do the happy dance with me?