**I admit it, I am totally addicted to this who John & Kate drama. I have always liked the show, I've watched it from the beginning. It is the only reality show I watch. Granted the Duggers the Roloffs and the Little Couple get thrown in there every now and again if there is nothing else on to watch, but John & Kate, I've watched them religiously from the very beginning. Leading up the season premier last week I had been reading all the tabloids and watching the video clips online, but I totally thought it was a publicity stunt for the premier. But after watching it, I'm not so sure it was just a stunt. I know they 'signed up for it' but I kinda feel bad for both of them. And I know there will be backlash, I really feel bad for her. She looked to have pretty much been left alone with the kids in the episode. Man, I can hardly wait for Monday's show.
**Does anyone watch the Cake Boss? Srsly, that show rocks. It has been added to my list of regulars. Dude Cracks.Me.Up. I now am watching 2 reality shows. Thanks TLC.
**I started a new quilt design/project last night, and stayed up to late working on it, now I'm tired.
**Have no fear, I still HATE MY JOB. I've sent out dozens of resumes, but hasn't everyone else? I've had one interview, but so far that's it.
**I have absolutly.nothing.to.do. at work. Wed. and Thur. I read a book. I mean an entire book, each day. Don't worry I have a new book to read today. If I could just bring my sewing machine in that would be great. I have a lot of projects to work on.
**Today is M1's last day of preschool for the summer. I really think he is going to miss going. I also think Mamaw is going to miss him going. When he's at preschool she gets a break!! Next year he'll go 3 days a week so that will be good for them both.